Review of the NT Gambling Code of Practice
Public feedback is being sought to help decide on proposed changes to the code.
In 2019, a review of the code was carried out by the Centre for Gambling Research at the Australian National University (ANU).
It found:
- a significant level of venue non-compliance with the code
- differences in the way compliant venues carried out their requirements.
Read the review on the ANU website.
As a result, the Northern Territory (NT) Government is reviewing the code to make sure it is:
- still effective
- meets best practice and community expectations.
As part of the review, the government is seeking public feedback to decide what changes are needed.
How to make a submission
Read the NT Code of Practice for Responsible Gambling 2016 on the NT Government website .
To make a submission, email
Submissions close on Monday 4 April 2022.
To find out more, email