The Department of Tourism and Hospitality works with industry to leverage the Territory’s unique environment and competitive advantages to stake our claim as a destination of positive difference. Find out more about us.
What we are doing
Alice Springs Desert Park ‘Buzzes’ into the Spotlight with Viral Bird Show Moment
Alice Springs Desert Park’s Nature Theatre star, the black-breasted buzzard, has cracked the internet and emu eggs with just one stone. This video was posted on the 20th January 2025 and has had over 70million views globally!
Thorny devil hatchlings make their debut at the Alice Springs Desert Park
Alice Springs Desert Park celebrates the hatching of two baby Thorny Devils, now on display in the Nocturnal House. These fascinating creatures, born after a three-month incubation, have a unique ability to obtain water. Visit to see them up close and learn more about this remarkable species.
Dine with the Stars and Walk with the Wild: Alice Springs Desert Park’s NEW Nocturnal Outback BBQ Tour
Experience the Outback like never before on Alice Springs Desert Park's exclusive Nocturnal Outback BBQ tour. Enjoy a gourmet bushfood dinner at sunset, then embark on a torchlit Mulga Walk to encounter iconic wildlife, including the Bilby and Mala. Learn about Desert Park’s vital conservation efforts. Book today!
Busting the myths about booking the Jatbula Trail
Excitement surrounded the release of bookings for the Jatbula Trail on February 4 2025, via the Online Booking System.
Join our Volunteer Campground Host Family!
NT Parks and Wildlife are now recruiting people to join in the fun. Volunteer as a Campground Host today!
Marra and Yanyuwa Sea Rangers wrap up 2024 with a bang
Parks and Wildlife collaborates with ranger groups like li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers and Marranbala Sea Rangers in NT, presenting innovative sea country management efforts at TNRM, with Shaun Evans winning Ranger of the Year.
Represent your community on the Community Benefit Committee
Expressions of interest are sought for community members to join the Community Benefit Committee.
Spreading the good word about partnership
It’s been a busy wrap up to the dry season for Namultja Aboriginal Corporation (who manage Marranbala rangers) and their partners through the Federation Funding Agreement with the Commonwealth Parks Australia and NT Parks and Wildlife and the ‘Indigenous-led Sea Country Management' Australian Research Council Linkage Project that brings these partners together with the Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University.
Many expert hands make light work at Casuarina Coastal Reserve
Volunteer collaboration in Casuarina Coastal Reserve leads to positive outcomes for important coastal habitat on Darwin’s coastline. The Ivy Gourd (Coccinia grandis) survey managed by Dave Liddle and the Casuarina Coastal Reserve Adopt a Spot volunteers has attracted a range of expert volunteers all keen to help out in hot and sweaty conditions.
NT Aboriginal Tourism Business Accelerator program returns for second round
Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) and the Northern Territory Government (NTG) have announced the return of the NT Aboriginal Tourism Business Accelerator Program, set to begin in February 2025.
NT steals the spotlight at the 2024 Australian Event Awards!
The Northern Territory was well represented at the Australian Event Awards this week – with the NT taking home 5 awards.
Northern Territory’s unique culture showcased in LA mural partnership
A new mural celebrating the Northern Territory’s stunning nature, wildlife, and Aboriginal culture has been unveiled on Venice Beach's famous Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Los Angeles.
2024 Screen Summit a resounding success
The 2024 NT Screen Summit was a resounding success, with strong attendance from screen professionals, game developers, and aspiring creatives.
New ‘sharing your culture with visitors’ campaign launched
Tourism NT has launched a new campaign, ‘Sharing your culture with visitors’, which aims to increase Aboriginal participation in the Northern Territory’s thriving tourism sector.
Namultja Aboriginal Corporation – working together with partners from strength to strength
In September this year, Namultja Aboriginal Corporation hosted its first on Country meeting, bringing together Marra families from a range of communities to Limmen Bight Fishing Camp. The successful event hosting around 60 attendees was supported through a partnership with NT Parks and Wildlifeand the Parks Australia North Marine Parks Network.
Watarrka volunteer wrap-up
2024 has been another busy year for Watarrka National Park and we want to highlight the incredible volunteers who came from all around the world to work here.
Cheers to Casuarina Coastal Reserve Adopt-a-Spot volunteers
Giving Gamba Grass the boot: Casuarina Coastal Reserve Adopt-a-Spot volunteers winning fight against gamba grass.
Liquor Regulation Amendments to come into effect
The Northern Territory Government has strengthened its Liquor Regulation 2019 (the Regulation) to better address alcohol related harm being experienced in our community.
The changing face of gaming in the Territory
In a remote part of Australia known more for its cattle stations than tech innovation, ‘Salty Games’ is carving a new path that combines both.