Alice Springs young people thrilled to see NT Parks and Wildlife at Career Expo


Over 500 students passed through the NT Parks and Wildlife stall at the Alice Springs VET Career Expo recently.

High school students of all ages enjoyed matching animals with their tracks, identifying animal bones and native plant materials while asking our Rangers all the ins and outs of developing a career with NT Parks and Wildlife.

This was a wonderful opportunity to expose local young people to employment opportunities and future career paths with the Parks and Wildlife division and meet Park Rangers with first-hand experience in the field. Students were able to ask about the first steps to becoming a Ranger and learn what a day in the life of a Ranger looks like. From adventurous tales of living in the bush to the less glamourous jobs like cleaning toilets, students heard how Parks and Wildlife manage weeds, feral animals, and bushfires as well as how much work goes into ensuring visitors have a safe and enjoyable experience on park.

Many students showed a natural aptitude for reading and caring for country and were able to hear what steps they could take to become job ready; such as, completing work experience with Parks and Wildlife, getting their manual driver’s licence and studying a Certificate in Conservation and Ecosystem Management.

Held at the Marian Centre (OLSC), the Career Expo was a raging success and Parks and Wildlife thank the organisers, The Department of Education (NT), GTNT and ISACNT for creating such wonderful learning opportunities for the young people of Alice Springs.

Ranger KP and Ranger Lille entertain and educate Alice Springs young people at the Career Expo
Ranger KP and Ranger Lille entertain and educate Alice Springs young people at the Career Expo

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