Represent your community on the Community Benefit Committee
Expressions of interest are sought for community members to join the Community Benefit Committee.
The Community Benefit Committee is established by the minister responsible for the Gaming Control Act and provides advice to the minister in relation to some of the grant programs offered by the Community Benefit Fund (CBF) program.
The CBF provides grants of up to $250,000 to assist not-for-profit, Territory based organisations with community projects. The Funds’ programs include the major community organisation grants, the major community events grants and vehicle gifts.
The Committee is made up of independent community members appointed by the minister for periods of up to three years. Administrative support for the committee is provided by the Department of Tourism and Hospitality and the role of the committee is non-statutory.
In order to provide regional representation and input on this committee, the department is encouraging nominations from all areas of the Territory.
The committee meets twice yearly and membership is for periods up to three years from 2024-2027.
Expressions of interest can be made via email to before midnight 1 December 2024.
For further information on the committee responsibilities go to Community Benefit Committee website.
The CBF is administered by the Department of Tourism and Hospitality funded by a levy on electronic gaming machines in licensed hotels and Casinos.