
NT steals the spotlight at the 2024 Australian Event Awards!

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NT steals the spotlight at the 2024 Australian Event Awards!

The Northern Territory was well represented at the Australian Event Awards this week – with the NT taking home 5 awards.

Northern Territory’s unique culture showcased in LA mural partnership

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Northern Territory’s unique culture showcased in LA mural partnership

A new mural celebrating the Northern Territory’s stunning nature, wildlife, and Aboriginal culture has been unveiled on Venice Beach's famous Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Los Angeles.

2024 Screen Summit a resounding success

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2024 Screen Summit a resounding success

The 2024 NT Screen Summit was a resounding success, with strong attendance from screen professionals, game developers, and aspiring creatives.

Namultja Aboriginal Corporation – working together with partners from strength to strength

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Namultja Aboriginal Corporation – working together with partners from strength to strength

In September this year, Namultja Aboriginal Corporation hosted its first on Country meeting, bringing together Marra families from a range of communities to Limmen Bight Fishing Camp. The successful event hosting around 60 attendees was supported through a partnership with NT Parks and Wildlifeand the Parks Australia North Marine Parks Network.

Watarrka volunteer wrap-up

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Watarrka volunteer wrap-up

2024 has been another busy year for Watarrka National Park and we want to highlight the incredible volunteers who came from all around the world to work here.

Cheers to Casuarina Coastal Reserve Adopt-a-Spot volunteers

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Cheers to Casuarina Coastal Reserve Adopt-a-Spot volunteers

Giving Gamba Grass the boot: Casuarina Coastal Reserve Adopt-a-Spot volunteers winning fight against gamba grass.

New ‘sharing your culture with visitors’ campaign launched

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New ‘sharing your culture with visitors’ campaign launched

Tourism NT has launched a new campaign, ‘Sharing your culture with visitors’, which aims to increase Aboriginal participation in the Northern Territory’s thriving tourism sector.

Casuarina Coastal Reserve declared a national park

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Casuarina Coastal Reserve declared a national park

The Reserve has officially been declared a park and has grown to include an extra 34 ha with the addition of Lot 9458, previously managed by Department Infrastructure Planning and Logistics.

Botanical conservation at the Desert Park

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Botanical conservation at the Desert Park

Alice Springs Desert Park is one of three of the Northern Territory’s botanical gardens and part of the Australian Seed Bank Partnership and Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Botany and Herbarium staff are testing 73 species of seed to assess germination viability.

Alice Springs young people thrilled to see NT Parks and Wildlife at Career Expo

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Alice Springs young people thrilled to see NT Parks and Wildlife at Career Expo

Over 500 students passed through the NT Parks and Wildlife stall at the Alice Springs VET Career Expo recently.